Shree Sandipani International School

Ashirwad group - A door steap towards a global education.

Our Mission
To build a bridge spanning the past, the present & the future. "Through knowledge one attains immortality".
Our Vision
Our attempt is to create the right environment and help the student's to learn without fear and hesitation .
Our Achievements
The School strongly upholds moral and spiritual values. The integral development of personality is the prime goal .
We offer young and aspiring students academic engagement with international standards.
There are a plethora of co-curricular activities which are woven into the academic timetable.
Each sporting arena provides an opportunity to build character, develop leadership qualities.

modern. creative. unique.

Our arts and science programs are integrated, ensuring that students can explore the intersections between disciplines and cultivate a holistic understanding of the world.

Our Infrastructure

Our state-of-the-art infrastructure features modern classrooms, advanced technology, creative learning spaces, and extensive sports facilities, fostering an innovative and engaging educational environment.

Smart Classes

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Consetetur sadipscing elitrd diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.


Consetetur sadipscing elitrd diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.